英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 17:23:23
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shake off是什么意思


1. get rid of

e.g. he shed his image as a pushy boss
shed your clothes

Synonym: shedcastcast offthrowthrow offthrow awaydrop

2. get rid of

e.g. I couldn't shake the car that was following me

Synonym: shakethrow offescape from

1. 治好(疾病),摆脱(坏习惯等)
If you shake off something that you do not want such as an illness or a bad habit, you manage to recover from it or get rid of it.

shake off

e.g. Businessmen are trying to shake off habits learned under six decades of a protected economy...
e.g. Get your body moving to boost energy, stay supple and shake off winter lethargy...

2. 甩掉,摆脱(跟随的人)
If you shake off someone who is following you, you manage to get away from them, for example by running faster than them.

e.g. I caught him a lap later, and although I could pass him I could not shake him off...
e.g. He was unaware that they had shaken off their pursuers.

3. 甩开,甩掉(使不接触)
If you shake off someone who is touching you, you move your arm or body sharply so that they are no longer touching you.

e.g. He grabbed my arm. I shook him off...
e.g. She shook off his restraining hand.

1. 撵走,摆脱;抖落:shake hands with 与...握手 | shake off 撵走,摆脱;抖落 | shake up 摇匀;激励,使振作

2. 抖落,摆脱,甩掉:227、settle to 静下心来 | 228、shake off 抖落,摆脱,甩掉 | 229、share in 分享,分担

3. 摆脱:shake-hands 握手 | shake-off 摆脱 | shake-out 抖出

4. 抖落:shave off 剃去 | shake off 抖落 | turn off 关掉

HALF a year since the Arabs began to shake off their oppressive slumber, the picture is patchy.(半年来,自从阿拉伯人开始摆脱他们受压制的噩梦,情形有好有坏。)
I can't shake off the nagging sense that something is off kilter; my atomic weight is slightly altered.(我无法摆脱那种有某种东西失去平衡而令人不安的感觉,我的原子量有了轻微的改变。)
A person whom your parents know, from that job they had back in the day, whom they've never quite been able to shake off.(老友是指那个你的父母从他们工作的那天起就开始和他结交,是那些他们无法摆脱掉的人。)
His companionship made it possible for me to shake off my shrinking sensitiveness.(与他的交往使我能够摆脱掉我那缺乏自信的敏感。)
He admitted that he would shake off some meat when there was too much for one student.(他也承认要是盛了太多的肉就会抖掉一些。)
Solar panels that can shake off their dust off via a self-generated electric pulse keep soaking in maximal rays.(太阳能电池板能通过自发电脉冲震落其灰尘,以确保最大限度的获得光照。)
The years of naiveté, mostly the 1950s, was characterised by Nehru’s zeal to help others shake off their colonial masters.(上世纪50年代被认为是一个纯真的年代,尼赫鲁醉心于帮助其他国家摆脱他们殖民者的统治。)
I can't seem to shake off this cold.(这场感冒我好像老好不了。)
Britain cannot easily shake off trouble in its export markets.(英国也无法轻易摆脱出口市场上面临的麻烦。)
Emotional self-awareness is the building block of the next fundamental of emotional intelligence: being able to shake off a bad mood.(情绪上的自我意识是情商的下一个基本要素:能够摆脱坏情绪。)
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